City of Edina 2007 Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan

New bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Edina.

In 2007, CDG worked closely with Edina residents and staff to develop the city’s first Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan, which continues to guide its infrastructure implementation decisions.

Prominently informed by a Public Health / Active Living approach, the Plan envisioned a fine-grained network of bicycle routes throughout the city and aimed to provide Edina’s citizens easy, safe and convenient connections to schools, parks, shopping and entertainment, as well as access to regional bicycle transportation and recreation routes. A core priority of the Plan was the provision of high-quality bicycle facilities and connections to and from the City's public schools.

Focused on implementation, the Plan’s framework and recommendations were developed to support the city’s step-by-step, gradual transformation into a “progressive bicycle-friendly community where citizens can easily integrate cycling into their daily lives.” The Plan and its recommendations facilitated the city’s successful application for several implementation grants to fund its well-recognized and ongoing improvements - including forty miles of new bicycle facilities in the city and supporting recognition of the city as a Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists.

Following on the success of the 2007 plan, the city hired CDG again in 2018 to develop a new and comprehensive Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan.

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