Rosell completes UN Sustainable Mobility course

"Vías Escolares Dignas y Seguras" (safe and dignified routes to school), a network of residential greenways developed by the City of Culiacán, México.

CDG Director Antonio M. Rosell, P.E., AICP recently completed a Sustainble Mobility course offered through the United Nations' Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). The sixteen-week course, "Sustainable Urban Mobility in Developing Countries," was geared to practicing design professionals working to improve their cities' orientation to sustainable mobility and development.  The course was taught by Niklas Sieber, PhD, a German Transport Economist and Regional Planner working in spatial planning and transport economics in industrialized and developing countries. It included the participation of almost 70 design professionals from every continent, and made extensive use of materials developed by GIZ, the German International Development Agency.

"The course was demanding but also a lot of fun" said Rosell, adding: "we value learning and continuing our education through interactions with other professionals in our field. This was a wonderful opportunity to meet and learn from peers, and to share with others some of the knowledge and experience we've gained."

CDG is currently involved in two Sustainable Mobility projects in Peru. Director Rosell has previously led trainings on the subject for design professionals in the US, Mexico and Peru.